The following are ideas I’ve had. I think these should exist and I share them publicly so that either:

  1. You hold me accountable to bringing them to life
  2. YOU bring them to life
  3. We work on them together

If you want to work on any of these with me, send me an email.

A prayer app for forgetful people

A common problem I run into is that I tell others I will pray for them… and then I forget. This feels terrible. I would like to build an app where I can store all of the things I want to be praying for. And I want it to remind me to be praying for them regularly. I’m thinking of something similar to how Readwise works. Additionally, as I am reminded of the things I want to be praying for, I can mark prayers at answered. This way can have a record of answered prayers. I would like to incorporate a gamification aspect similar to DuoLingo, so that I can have an interactive and engaging experience for interacting with my prayers that brings them to life and keeps me coming back.

Mobile quick capture widget

I want a quicker way to capture notes. Nothing has felt fast enough so far. I just want a simple file that can display on my phone screen as a widget.

  • Add rapid log text
  • Rapid log text is appended with date/time
  • The widget could be clicked to edit the file
  • Easy voice to text
  • Someday make a good export UX for getting rapid notes into a more permanent location?

Weekly newsletter

This is something I would like to do, although I haven’t decided on a topic yet. I like the idea of having a commitment to write consistently. My two top ideas now are:

  1. Write a weekly “quick tip” for using your computer better, targeted at the average office user
  2. Interview style weekly publication about the people of NASA, focusing mostly on the people and their stories, while also diving into the work they do. My inspiration for this would be Manuel Morales' People and Blogs

A paper clip pen

I would like a pen that works like a paper clip, but then could be twisted into a usable configuration. Pens with a clip tend to be too bulky. I want something really thin that is designed to attach to papers or pocket. The trick here would be keeping the ink cartridge protected or sturdy enough to not break. And the twisting mechanism. I have no mechanical engineering experience, but I may learn just to make this.