
    New site feature! I added a sidebar for recent microblogs. This will only appear on desktop, not mobile devices.

    A blog page displays entries for 2025 and 2024, recent microblog updates, and various post titles and dates.

    I updated the link styles on my blog:

    • removed underlines from links for readability
    • added a box-shadow animation when hovering links for enjoyability

    I pushed changes to Fed Meetup this morning! Users can now save their searches and export results to a CSV file. My coworker is using it to plan group travel for his new team at NASA. It’s nice to see it still getting some use, and it may be getting more use in the near future!

    My latest attempt to be less distracted by my phone is printing articles on a piece of paper that I can fold up and carry in my wallet. Going to try to read these instead of using my phone and falling down the rabbit hole.

    An open book with a journal article titled "When to Begin Writing" by Sheldon Richmond inside the front cover, resting on a wooden surface.

    I just looked through all my old blog post ideas and drafts. There are some fun ideas I forgot about in there. There is one titled “Demustyfication” that has been a draft for a long time. I just can’t seem to get it where I want it, but it keeps tugging at me. I wrote about it back in April.

    “Everything depends on everything and we don’t know anything!”
    - my wife, while we decide on basement finishes

    This perfectly describes software development.

    My dad gave me his old 45 pound dumbbells so I:

    • got excited
    • made a list of the exercises I could do with them
    • tried all the exercises
    • crossed about half the exercises off my list because I can’t do them

    45 pounds is heavier than I remember… Got some work to do. πŸ’ͺ

    Note to self: I want to write an article soon. It’s been a while.

    I just discovered and used screenshotr.app for my previous post. This is an awesome free tool for making screenshots look more interesting and professional!

    I removed my bio from the header of my blog and improved the user experience on my subscribe page to make the call-to-action clearer. I like the minimal look. πŸ‘πŸ§Ή

    New Look πŸ‘Ά

    The new subscribe page with no bio and missing the option to subscribe to all posts.

    Old Look πŸ‘΄

    The old subscribe page with a bio and the option to subscribe to all posts.

    Had a beautiful walk after working from a coffee shop this afternoon.

    A serene lake reflects the clear blue sky and colorful autumn trees along its shoreline.Colorful autumn leaves scattered on a pavement.

    Coffee shop hack: bring your own stroopwafel β˜•πŸ§‡

    One of my wife’s many good ideas.

    A stroopwafel rests atop a red takeaway coffee cup with a brown sleeve.

    I kinda like Comic Sans. Also, today I learned that if you google Comic Sans or Vincent Connare (the guy that created it) the results come back in Comic Sans.

    Love or hate the font, you gotta love internet easter eggs.

    Dang, Google Photos over here making me cry 😭 It finds video snippets of my daughter, puts them in slow motion, and plays emotional piano music in the background πŸ₯Ή

    I would love to hear from the product team crafting these experiences and what their goal is for Photos. Not a feature I would think of putting in a Photos app, but I’ve really enjoyed it! I love that it surfaces nostalgic memories for me!

    Feeling extra tired this morning. Started reading scripture but kept falling asleep. Ended up just throwing punches in the air to keep myself awake while I read. I’m glad I was alone, I probably looked crazy…

    But it’s a nice new trick to keep myself awake while reading early in the morning. πŸ₯Š

    🌊 man is deep water.
    πŸ’¨ will is wind. fleeting and weak.
    πŸŒ• what then be his moon?

    I added an /ideas page to my blog, as mentioned recently in my post on indie hacking. I’ll update this page every now and then as I have new ideas or stumble on the ones scattered across my journals and note taking apps.

    I love when I’m inspired by something I highlighted a long time ago in my Readwise Daily Review. This one feels especially relevant with my recent excitement around indie hacking.

    I wish I would have known that there was no need to wait. I went to college. I went to law school. I worked in law and banking, though not for terribly long. But not until I started PayPal did I fully realize that you don’t have to wait to start something. So if you’re planning to do something with your life, if you have a 10-year plan of how to get there, you should ask: Why can’t you do this in 6 months? Sometimes, you have to actually go through the complex, 10-year trajectory. But it’s at least worth asking whether that’s the story you’re telling yourself, or whether that’s the reality.

    • Peter Thiel, quoted in Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss

    I updated my bio (the words at the top of every page) and my about page. See the changelog for more details, or just check them out!

    I just found out that UDisc Community was released a couple weeks ago. I’ve been waiting for this feature for years!

    Here’s an invite link if you have the app but don’t have access to Community yet, and here’s my profile if you want to see how I’m playing!

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