
    I just finished installing the pull-up bar and rings. Now the hard part… actually using them 😬

    Proverbs 17/31 (Poor + peace) > (rich + strife). Judging the poor insults your creator. Be careful offering bribes, lest you come to depend on them. It is loving to forgive, you will lose friends if you rehash old wounds. A reprimand to the wise penetrates further than a beating to a fool. Friends love through highs and lows. Joy is good medicine, but a crushed spirit is crippling. Those with a calm spirit have understanding.

    Kudos to our team for putting out a new public web page for the Apollo 13 mission, summarizing the mission, accident, and investigation.

    Apollo 13

    Lots of the work I touch is internal-only, so it’s nice when I have something I can share out with the public! Kudos to Michael Ciannilli, Michael Bishop, Jeremy Fleischer, and others that put this together!

    For more lessons learned, take a look at our Apollo, Challenger, Columbia Lessons Learned Program page

    Proverbs 16/31 Every person thinks themselves right, but God weighs the spirit. Commit your work to God and it will be established. Everything is for a purpose, even the wicked. One turns from evil through reverence to God. When a man follows the ways of God, he is at peace even with his enemies. People plan, God establishes. You will discover good things if you ponder the word. Gracious words are sweet to the soul. One’s appetite urges them on. A whisperer separates close friends. One who rules their own spirit is better than one who rules a city.

    Proverbs 15/31 A gentle response cools anger, but a harsh response stirs it up. If God knows the depths of hell, how much more does he know the depths of your heart? The cheerful heart has a continuous feast. (Poor + God) > (Rich + Trouble). (Lettuce + Love) > (Filet Mignon + Hatred). The path is easy for the upright, but for the idle, it is like walking through thorns. Plans fail without counsel, but with many advisors, they succeed. The Lord destroys the house of the arrogant but protects the house of the humble. He who hates bribes will live. The heart of the righteous ponders, but the mouth of the wicked pours out. Reverence for God is instruction in wisdom. Humility comes before honor.

    Proverbs 14/31 The upright reveres the Lord, the evil despises him. Things are easy without work, but there will be nothing to harvest. A cynic seeks wisdom in vain, but it comes easy for one of understanding. Run from fools. Fools mock those who seek forgiveness, but the upright find it. No one knows your heart like you. Life is both joy and grief, together. The wise are cautious, but fools are reckless. Blessed are those generous to the poor. A ruler is only as good as their people. Be slow to anger. Envy will rot your core.

    Proverbs 13/31 The one who watches their words saves their life, but the one who speaks without thinking will be ruined. The poor one is not threatened by ransoms for their life. Insolent = strife, receptive = wisdom. Quick riches dwindle, gather little by little to increase. Prudent ones act with knowledge, but fools flaunt their folly. If disaster pursues you, consider living righteously. One who walks with the wise becomes wise, but a friend of fools hurts themselves. To discipline is to love. The righteous are satisfied, the wicked want.

    Proverbs 12/31 Discipline = knowledge. The evil will not be established, but the roots of the good run deep. Better to be unassuming with assets than to be lavish without assets. The evil are ensnared by their words, the good free themselves with their words. A fool is right in his own eyes, but the wise listens to advice. The wise ignore insults, but a fool is clear about their rage. The words of the fool damage, the words of the wise heal. Truth is forever, lies are for a moment. The diligent rule and the idle are put to work.

    Proverbs 11/31 Pride leads to disgrace, humility to wisdom. The good are diverted from trouble, the evil walk right into it. Two things bring gladness: good for the good, and bad for the bad. Remain silent, do not belittle others or share their secrets. A violent man may get riches, but not honor. Beauty without discretion is like a pearl in a pile of crap. One who gives grows richer, one who withholds giving suffers want. Do not put faith in your riches.

    “I’m becoming” is way more interesting than “I am”

    TIL there is a port on computers dedicated to getting a “Quote of the Day”. Port 17 is my new favorite.

    I just heard something similar to this pertaining to relationships: If your house is getting cold, you don’t look for every small crack where air could escape, you blast the furnace. The same applies to a relationship growing cold. The multiplicative change vs. incremental change is significant.

    Day 10 of summarizing Proverbs. Lots of good insight, and some taboo/uncomfy topics to write about. Avoiding adultery and lack of wisdom leading to death are common themes so far. Crazy that something written 2-3k years ago can have such relevance today. I guess wisdom is wisdom, for now and always.

    Proverbs 10/31 Riches from evil do not profit, but righteousness is life. Inaction = poverty, diligence = rich. The legacy of the righteous is a lasting blessing, but an evil legacy will rot quickly. He who is crooked will be found out. Hatred stirs the pot, love smooths all offenses. Multitudes of words indicate wrongdoing, the prudent one restrains their lips. The righteous feed many while fools die for their lack of understanding. The wicked get what they dread, the righteous get what they desire. The way of the Lord is a fortress for the good, but destruction for the evil.

    Proverbs 9/31 You’re inviting trouble if you correct a mocker. But if you give feedback to a wise person, they will love you and become wiser. The knowledge of God is insight. Folly is loud, seductive, and ignorant. She encourages thievery and secrecy.

    Proverbs 8/31 Wisdom is righteous. It is not twisted or crooked. Wisdom is better than riches. Wisdom hates pride, arrogance, evil, and crooked speech. Wisdom has strength. Wisdom loves those who love her. God possessed wisdom at the beginning. Before the depths, mountains, and fields, there was wisdom. Whoever finds wisdom finds life.

    Proverbs 7/31 Consider wisdom an intimate friend. Do not stray into the path of the forbidden lover. Do not be compelled by smooth talk and seductive speech. One who is persuaded is like an ox led to the slaughter. They do not know it will cost them their life, and yet it is so. The forbidden lover has claimed many victims, and their house is the way to death.

    Proverbs 6/31 Do not stake your fate on the reliability of another person. Follow the example of the ant. Keep working. A little laziness and you will quickly become poor. Do not sow discord, you will be broken. Don’t be captured by the adulterer. Prostitutes and porn are cheap, but a spouse is worth a life. Don’t get too friendly with another’s spouse. Can you carry a fire and not be burned? Those that commit adultery destroy themselves and invite revenge.

    Proverbs 5/31 A forbidden lover may seem sweet, but behind the veneer is bitter decay that leads to death. Drink from your own well. Your spouse is for you, and you for your spouse. Take joy in your spouse’s loveliness, and delight in their love. One who falls into the arms of the forbidden lover is suddenly and unexpectedly ensnared in an inescapable trap. They die for lack of discipline.

    Proverbs 4/31 The first step in wisdom is seeking and loving wisdom. Guard wisdom like you would your life. Do not step onto the path of evil. When it presents itself, turn the other way and go on. Protect your heart, it manifests the substance of life. Stay far away devious talk. Keep your focus ahead of you. Think deeply about where you are going. Do not swerve from your path.

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