Recent Replies

  • Replying to: @amerpie

    @amerpie hey! Happy (belated) New Year! I have made some changes, but have been less active in Obsidian than before. I want to take my current Daily Note set up and share it out in a Gist, but haven't done that yet.

  • Replying to: I'm glad to hear this post has been helpful for you!

    Have you used QuickAdd before? It might be worth checking out their documentation to see if there are answers for what you're running into. I'm not sure how to help without seeing your setup and what you're trying to do. Also, you might be able to grab a screenshot of your settings and ask ChatGPT (or similar) why what you're trying isn't working. That has helped me solve a lot of hurdles I've run into.

    Otherwise, the screenshots in my QuickAdd section have my full configuration as I set it up. It's possible that QuickAdd has changed slightly since I posted this. Hope this helps!