My 7mo daughter is starting to push herself around the house backward. I’m having fun chasing her around as she unknowingly slides herself under chairs.

I am gearing up to launch the NASA Cause Analysis Tool in late March. The product is looking really good! I’ll be able to share more about it when it shows up on our public-facing Mishap Investigation page.

I’ve been re-organizing and adding to this site as I learn more about all the options I have with I’ve also been trying to write more. I’m still working on finding a good balance with that.

There’s a big wave of babies about to be born among my friends, so I’m looking forward to helping out and getting to meet all of my daughter’s new buddies!

I’ve been trying out the recommended_routine - bodyweightfitness ( for exercise. I got my equipment installed, now I just need to use it consistently. I am really liking the emphasis on stretching and flexibility. I feel great after these workouts.