I added a blogroll to my site! I had been thinking about creating this for a while, and the new recommendations feature in Micro.blog gave me the push to finally do it. I added it to my navigation links, but… it’s getting really crowded up there. I may have to do something about that, but I want people to be able to find my blogroll, and putting a link in any of my other pages didn’t seem quite right.

For now, it is just a list of sites, but I’d like to add little one-liner descriptions of why I like each site. I’ve had a lot of fun discovering blogs through the blogrolls of others, and I’m excited to start to share my own recommendations! My list will grow as I discover new blogs. Right now I’ve been finding a lot of interesting blogs by clicking around at https://blogroll.org/ and https://ooh.directory/. These are awesome resources to find independent folks sharing from their own space on the web.

My favorite way to discover sites though is through personal recommendations. The more organic, the better. Here’s my rank order of favorite ways:

  1. A personal 1:1 recommendation - “Jake! You gotta check out….”
  2. A link in a post I’m enjoying (falling down a rabbit hole)
  3. A blogroll on a personal site
  4. A blog listing site (like those linked above)

If you have some blogs I need to check out or other ways of discovering blogs, I’d love to hear about them!