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Oct 11, 2024: Dang, Google Photos over here making me cry 😭 It finds video snippets of my daughter, puts them in slow motion, and plays emotional piano music in the …

Oct 10, 2024: LinkedIn is cool sometimes LinkedIn can be so cool sometimes. I connected with Mural’s VP of Product, Matt Crawford, and we got to talking about my experience. I told him …

Oct 10, 2024: Feeling extra tired this morning. Started reading scripture but kept falling asleep. Ended up just throwing punches in the air to keep myself awake …

Oct 9, 2024: 🌊 man is deep water. πŸ’¨ will is wind. fleeting and weak. πŸŒ• what then be his moon?

Oct 5, 2024: Now 2024-10-05 What I am up to now. Check my /now page for the latest update. Dad Stuff My daughter is walking! She is almost 15 months old now, and it feels like …

Sep 29, 2024: This Started With A Title Let the writing inform the title, or let the title inform the writing? This started with a title, but it wasn’t this one.

Sep 29, 2024: I added an /ideas page to my blog, as mentioned recently in my post on indie hacking. I’ll update this page every now and then as I have new …

Sep 26, 2024: I love when I’m inspired by something I highlighted a long time ago in my Readwise Daily Review. This one feels especially relevant with my …

Sep 25, 2024: Advice To A Demotivated Job Seeker I received the following question in my LinkedIn DMs: What is some advice you can give me, I am having motivation issues. I have a decent job but …

Sep 25, 2024: I updated my bio (the words at the top of every page) and my about page. See the changelog for more details, or just check them out!

Sep 25, 2024: I just found out that UDisc Community was released a couple weeks ago. I’ve been waiting for this feature for years! Here’s an invite link …

Sep 21, 2024: Mikenna and Josh's Wedding It’s the beautiful easing into dawn as I write. I’m sitting in a rocking chair on the chapel deck, overlooking one of New York’s …

Sep 19, 2024: A moment of silence for the people on low-carb diets…

Sep 19, 2024: So cool… Saving this to try out on my blog later. Matt Webb has “collaborative cursors” on his blog, so you can see other visitors' …

Sep 19, 2024: Is it better to be a cowardly lion or a brave chicken?

Sep 18, 2024: My favorite doctor appointments are the ones where I wait forever, then the doctor comes in and says “After looking at your file, we can’t …

Sep 18, 2024: Indie Hacking I have a tendency to be consumed by a niche interest or hobby every now and then. In the past it’s been disc golf, counter strike, yo-yoing, hot …

Sep 17, 2024: Using Tiny Theme Microhooks to make your homepage display a reverse chronological list of long-form articles, grouped by year I’ve been feeling like my home page wasn’t what I really wanted people’s first experience with my blog to be. I want people to be …

Sep 15, 2024: This seemed like it really hit the nail on the head. An insightful look at how “therapy culture” is imitating religion, but falling short. …

Sep 14, 2024: Currently eating Chick-fil-A on a picnic blanket in the parking lot of a Barnes & Noble. I love Saturdays.

Sep 13, 2024: Street Corner

Today I found myself in the downtown area of an old, little rural Ohio town. Surrounded by brick buildings, with a large, antiquated concrete …

Sep 13, 2024: I recently started a tradition of working from a different coffee shop each Friday. Today’s Pumpkin Pie Latte was a nice complement to deep work …

Sep 5, 2024: My Meeting Philosophy

I recently had 35 meetings in a week. This is a lot, but not uncommon for employees of large enterprises. While it is easy to lament an …

Sep 1, 2024: Quests > Goals This got me thinking about how I frame my objectives. Do Quests, Not Goals by David Cain

Sep 1, 2024: I replaced all the X-Large t-shirts in my closet with Large. I am surprised just how much better I’ve felt wearing clothes that fit right. I …

Aug 21, 2024: Moon, silent, alone. “Arise, abyss!” she commands. Dark depths stir to life.

Jul 23, 2024: I like when a bathroom has beautiful or insightful decor. I learned something new today about a train that debuted in 1936. Why did trains look so …

Jul 22, 2024: Our cucumbers are out of control. In one day we harvested six cucumbers, each bigger than my forearm. The situation is so dire that I’m having …

Jul 18, 2024: Sharing a gelato flight is a great way to cap off the evening.

Jun 30, 2024: 26 Pieces Of Advice To My Past Self

I recently turned 26. I’m no sage, but I’ve picked up a couple of lessons in my time. Below are 26 things I would tell a younger me if I …

Jun 20, 2024: A Recommendation for Trying AI The following is a message I shared with my organization today. In light of NASA’s push to train up the workforce on AI, I wanted to share a …

Jun 17, 2024: “Children need to be used under adult supervision” This made me laugh.

Jun 17, 2024: A while back I posted about Fed Meetup, the app I built that won an internal NASA challenge. Today I received my prize, a NASA@WORK sticker that flew …

Jun 17, 2024: Do you ever say something and then the gravity of what you just said hits you hard? I was chatting with a coworker preparing for retirement and …

Jun 10, 2024: How to Write a Kickass Article I would like to note that as I write this, I am not following the advice contained within whatsoever. I want to write better articles. I want to use …

Jun 10, 2024: Added a colophon page. I wrote it in a who, what, when, where, and how format, and I like how it turned out. I haven’t seen others doing it this …

Jun 10, 2024: Added a changelog to my blog. For now, it is very small and very meta.…

Jun 10, 2024: I added a /chipotle page to my blog. I know this started as satire, but this might actually come in handy for me.

May 30, 2024: scritch scratch swoop and slash furious scribbles relent taut hush, reflection

May 29, 2024: Experimentation Is Where the Fun Is At!

My new shipment from The Goulet Pen Company makes it feel like Christmas!

Six pocket notebooks and sixteen different colorful ink swatches arranged on a light wooden desk

I ordered their notebook sampler and got a random ink sample set for free.

May 26, 2024: An Analog Blog Post

A journal and Lamy Safari fountain pen on a dark stained wood table

The following was transcribed from the pictured journal entry. I used Google Lens and a LOT of editing.

It has been easy to not make time to write …

May 25, 2024: There’s some nice footage of Sierra Space’s Dream Chaser at the Armstrong Test Facility in Sandusky, Ohio at the 2:00 minute timestamp of …

May 25, 2024: I just used the Google Assistant to make a reservation this morning and it was pretty nice. It waited until the restaurant was open to call and then …

May 25, 2024: I replaced our mulch with gravel and started our first garden! We will have cucumbers and three varieties of bell pepper. πŸͺ¨πŸ₯’πŸ«‘

May 22, 2024: Ever wondered what the heck that fancy ChatGPT Large Language Model AI is actually doing? This animated 3D visualization is an awesome step-by-step …

May 16, 2024: Felt good to be back on the grill yesterday!

May 15, 2024: Can you tell which is the original…? πŸ˜… I asked GPT-4o to describe an image of me, and then fed the generated text into Microsoft Designer to …

May 14, 2024: Is 1285 a good score on Google’s dino game? What are your high scores?

May 14, 2024: Check the Categorization of Your Domain in Cloudflare Radar to Make Sure Federal Employees Can Visit Your Site

My blog is available on the NASA network now! For anyone else who wants their site to show up on a federal network, make sure you scan your domain at …

May 14, 2024: I updated the font across my site to Inter instead of system-ui, which was the Tiny Theme default. I found out Tiny Theme has all sorts of pre-defined …

May 13, 2024: Is this a blog or a node in a botnet? I finally found out why my blog was blocked on the NASA network! Cloudflare had it categorized as a DGA Domain, so they thought it was an …

May 13, 2024: Compound and Leverage

Compound and leverage are powerful forces to move us toward our desired outcomes.

I’ve been thinking about these two forces and how they can be …

May 12, 2024: I’m worried about my blog undergoing a LinkedInification. A lot of my recent posts have been good candidates to cross post on LinkedIn, but when …

May 12, 2024: Happy Mother’s day to all the moms! Whether working or not, you matter. So thank you for all you do. ❀️ I’ve been blessed with an amazing …

May 7, 2024: NASA's First Agile Technical Interchange Meeting

Yesterday was NASA’s very first Agile Technical Interchange Meeting! NASA is becoming agile πŸš€πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈπŸ’¨

I learned how Agile is applied outside of my …

May 6, 2024: The team at Snipd is coming up with some great AI use cases for podcasts. I enjoy interview/discussion style podcasts, so I’m usually more …

May 5, 2024: Enjoying a local park before church

May 5, 2024: Now 2024-05-05

Also available on my /now page

May 3, 2024: Introducing Fed Meetup

Now that we are out of the pandemic, federal travel is back in full swing. Federal employees are flying cross-country to get together and meet on …

May 1, 2024: I can’t tell you the number of people I’ve saved by muting them when they unintentionally had their mics open on a call with 100+ …

Apr 30, 2024: A Day In My Life At NASA On days like today, I marvel as I reflect all the awesome things I get to do in my role here at the NASA Safety Center. Today I… πŸ› Hosted a …

Apr 28, 2024: Beautiful day out on the course today. Playing an informal tournament with friends where we’ll be playing 4 courses in one day! 😯 Time to get …

Apr 27, 2024: I listened to Shakey Graves this morning while washing a mountain of dishes. I like whatever genre this is. Folk? I feel like I stumbled on something …

Apr 24, 2024: Every now and then LinkedIn asks me to contribute to these collaborative articles, which have AI-generated content that humans respond to. This one …

Apr 24, 2024: A Brief Thought On A Recent Bout of Resistance Gotta get back on the ol' blog! I’ve been working a bit on a draft of an article, but have been having some resistance to finishing it. Do I …

Apr 15, 2024: Finished reading The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande πŸ“š Also, I started a digital garden at! I’ll share more about that …

Apr 12, 2024: Text Message Triage

Me: “Oh, I need to respond to that later.”

Text Message: cries softly as it floats into the void, never to be seen again

Apr 11, 2024: πŸ“· Day 11: sky #mbapr We watched the eclipse from Total Eclipse Fest in Cleveland. It was cool seeing all the NASA exhibits and being there for the …

Apr 6, 2024: πŸ“· Day 6: windy #mbapr 12mph winds today. The tree branches out back are swaying calmly while the clouds float past leisurely.

Apr 5, 2024: πŸ“· Day 5: serene #mbapr What greater serenity is there than fri(ed rice)day?

Apr 4, 2024: πŸ“· Day 4: foliage #mbapr Taken at a local disc golf course last summer.

Apr 3, 2024: πŸ“· Day 3: card #mbapr Another view of Day 1’s subject.

Apr 2, 2024: πŸ“· Day 2: flowers #mbapr A beautiful bouquet my wife put together. We got these flowers from our friend and her mom, they run a flower stand together …

Apr 1, 2024: Looking forward to the April Photoblogging Challenge! πŸ“· Day 1: toy #mbapr These playing cards sit on display in the background of my video …

Mar 29, 2024: To Be Good, You Must Be Dangerous “They see they can and must stand up, because they begin to understand how genuinely monstrous they will become, otherwise, feeding on their …

Mar 26, 2024: Today I learned that nasa (pronounced naw-saw) in Hebrew means “to lift, bear up, carry, take”. Seems fitting with the mission of NASA! …

Mar 18, 2024: My User Story Template Below is the template I created for writing user stories. # User Story As a... I want... So that... # Description Lorem... # Acceptance Criteria - …

Mar 18, 2024: Who Am I? I am the outlaw. I am the innocent. I am the sage. I am the jester. I am the everyman. I am the ruler. I am the caregiver. I am the explorer. I am the …

Mar 17, 2024: It was a beautiful day for disc golf, and then 10 minutes later… it wasn’t πŸ˜…

Mar 17, 2024: I love weekend days when I can stroll around town, ducking in and out of local shops with the family.

Mar 15, 2024: Just stumbled on on Mastodon. This seems like a great resource for finding good personal sites to follow and people to …

Mar 14, 2024: Blogroll I added a blogroll to my site! I had been thinking about creating this for a while, and the new recommendations feature in gave me the push …

Mar 11, 2024: It’s a tough job being the human garbage disposal that cleans up after family meals, but someone has to do it.

Mar 9, 2024: Filling out a local tax refund form this morning, dreaded but necessary πŸ™„. I only worked in the office 16% of the time last year. I actually spent …

Mar 7, 2024: Remember To Live, An Interactive Haiku days lived more to go remember to live! Input your own numbers into the haiku above as a reminder to yourself to live! For the first box, calculate …

Mar 6, 2024: My wife and I finally put pins in our world map! I’m grateful for the travel opportunities we’ve had, but there’s a lot more yet to …

Mar 6, 2024: vast expanse, stars born, galaxies like sand, and us pale blue perfection

Mar 6, 2024: Haiku I’m adding a new category on my site for haiku. Most of these will be quick micro-posts, but others may be longer. I have an idea for an …

Mar 5, 2024: Been feeling resistance to posting on here. So this is me doing something small (“literally anything”) to get moving again Do literally …

Feb 27, 2024: Coffee and journals were made for each other. β˜• πŸ–‹οΈ

Feb 26, 2024: Spotted this during date night. A good omen?

Feb 26, 2024: “What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence, a wealth of information creates a poverty of …

Feb 25, 2024: I added a new option for subscribing to new posts on my Subscribe page. Now you can choose between subscribing only to long-form Articles or …

Feb 24, 2024: This one gave me chills at the end. A wonderful piece by Henrik Karlsson. The third chair

Feb 24, 2024: Tear It All Down My website looked quite different at its beginning. I thought starting a blog would be a good opportunity to play around with new technology, so I …

Feb 23, 2024: I’ve had a Now page for a bit now, but just had my site added to Pretty neat that Derek curates this all himself. He seems like a …

Feb 22, 2024: I’m getting excited for this moon landing! Coverage has started:…

Feb 22, 2024: A Piece of My Self A blog post is not just a piece of writing to me. It is a piece of my self, and these pieces track the process of my becoming. Sometimes I forget and …

Feb 21, 2024: Blog posts written by hand from prison, sent via snail mail, and scanned onto the web

Feb 20, 2024: TajΓ­n ClΓ‘sico is a new staple in our kitchen. I’m putting it on everything. πŸ‹πŸŒΆοΈ

Feb 18, 2024: My wife and I put together this little Atlantis so my little Saturn V has a buddy on the shelf now πŸš€

Feb 18, 2024: I shared my article about my Obsidian Daily Note template on Reddit in the ObsidianMD community and got a really positive response. I was surprised …

Feb 18, 2024: Just added a Uses page to my blog! I linked to it from my About page but didn’t put it in the main nav. I hope to keep this relatively …

Feb 18, 2024: Little Saturn V on display in my office. Let me tell you these mini Legos were a PAIN to put together!

Feb 17, 2024: Now 2024-02-17 My 7mo daughter is starting to push herself around the house backward. I’m having fun chasing her around as she unknowingly slides herself under …

Feb 16, 2024: I was pleasantly surprised by the Wizard of Oz Museum. The interactive experience room was pretty neat! Although I have to say I liked the Van Gogh …

Feb 16, 2024: Got a sneak peek behind the scenes at Blue Origin’s Orbital Launch System Manufacturing Facility where they are working on the New Glenn orbital …

Feb 16, 2024: Spotted just inside the doors of the HQ building at Kennedy Space Center. The center’s namesake still inspires today.

Feb 16, 2024: “Cloud Breaker”. A Falcon 9 1st Stage returning to land back at the Cape. Pretty amazing to get to see my first Falcon 9 launch for the …

Feb 15, 2024: My Obsidian Daily Note Template I use my Obsidian daily note as my main digital jumping-off point for things like: habits daily log tasks journaling I’ve gathered ideas for …

Feb 5, 2024: This view complements coffee nicely. πŸŒ…β˜•

Feb 5, 2024: Beautiful views from our place for the week.

Feb 5, 2024: I had a blast touring the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex with family yesterday!

Jan 31, 2024: Proverbs 31/31 Advice to King Lemuel from his mother: Don’t spend your time pursuing women; this has brought down many kings. Kings should not …

Jan 31, 2024: Proverbs 30/31 God’s word is true; don’t add to it. Stay away from lying and fakeness. Don’t become rich and forget who God is. …

Jan 29, 2024: Proverbs 29/31 Those that are stiff and inflexible will be broken. With justice, a nation is built, but greed tears one down. The good understand the …

Jan 29, 2024: Proverbs 28/31 The evil live constantly in fear, but the good live confidently. It is better to be poor and honest than rich and crooked. Be generous …

Jan 27, 2024: Proverbs 27/31 Don’t brag about your future, it is not guaranteed. Praise from one’s own mouth is not valid; let it come from another. Be …

Jan 27, 2024: Proverbs 26/31 Honor does not fit a fool. Don’t answer a fool in their style, but correct their mistakes. A proverb coming from a fool is …

Jan 27, 2024: Proverbs 25/31 God, knowing all, conceals. We, knowing little, seek truth. Don’t force yourself into high places, it is better to be invited …

Jan 26, 2024: Celebrating 4 years of marriage with my wonderful wife today ❀️

Jan 24, 2024: Proverbs 24/31 With wisdom comes strength, wars are won with wise guidance. The mocker is an abomination. Your strength is small if it fails in times …

Jan 24, 2024: Watching our local deer family across the pond.

Jan 24, 2024: Meal planning at its finest πŸ˜‚

Jan 24, 2024: The way to do more is to do less. I’ve found that seasons when I focus on less are inevitably the ones when I end up doing more.

Jan 23, 2024: Proverbs 23/31 Don’t desire luxuries. Be cautious when a stingy person offers gifts to you. Don’t let your words be wasted on fools. …

Jan 22, 2024: Proverbs 22/31 Good name > great riches. Train a child well and they will stay true into old age. The borrower serves the lender. Get rid of a …

Jan 22, 2024: I had a good time demonstrating Outlook Rules to ~50 of my colleagues today. Some quick email automation ideas to focus your inbox: move newsletters …

Jan 21, 2024: Proverbs 21/31 Patient work leads to abundance, and hastiness leads to poverty. Gains from lying are fleeting and catch you in a snare. Justice is joy …

Jan 20, 2024: Proverbs 20/31 Do not be led astray by drunkenness. It is honorable to keep from quarreling. Many proclaim steadfast love, but it is difficult to find …

Jan 19, 2024: Proverbs 19/31 Desire without knowledge is bad. A generous person finds many friends. Glory for one who can forgive offenses against them. Idleness …

Jan 19, 2024: Proverbs 18/31 Fools take pleasure in expressing only their own opinions. Humility comes before honor. It is shameful to give an answer before one …

Jan 19, 2024: It’s a good day to stay inside and sip some coffee.

Jan 19, 2024: I just finished installing the pull-up bar and rings. Now the hard part… actually using them 😬

Jan 17, 2024: Proverbs 17/31 (Poor + peace) > (rich + strife). Judging the poor insults your creator. Be careful offering bribes, lest you come to depend on …

Jan 17, 2024: Kudos to our team for putting out a new public web page for the Apollo 13 mission, summarizing the mission, accident, and investigation. Apollo 13 …

Jan 16, 2024: Proverbs 16/31 Every person thinks themselves right, but God weighs the spirit. Commit your work to God and it will be established. Everything is for …

Jan 15, 2024: Proverbs 15/31 A gentle response cools anger, but a harsh response stirs it up. If God knows the depths of hell, how much more does he know the depths …

Jan 14, 2024: Proverbs 14/31 The upright reveres the Lord, the evil despises him. Things are easy without work, but there will be nothing to harvest. A cynic seeks …

Jan 13, 2024: Proverbs 13/31 The one who watches their words saves their life, but the one who speaks without thinking will be ruined. The poor one is not …

Jan 12, 2024: Proverbs 12/31 Discipline = knowledge. The evil will not be established, but the roots of the good run deep. Better to be unassuming with assets than …

Jan 11, 2024: Proverbs 11/31 Pride leads to disgrace, humility to wisdom. The good are diverted from trouble, the evil walk right into it. Two things bring …

Jan 11, 2024: “I’m becoming” is way more interesting than “I am”

Jan 11, 2024: TIL there is a port on computers dedicated to getting a “Quote of the Day”. Port 17 is my new favorite.

Jan 10, 2024: I just heard something similar to this pertaining to relationships: If your house is getting cold, you don’t look for every small crack where …

Jan 10, 2024: Day 10 of summarizing Proverbs. Lots of good insight, and some taboo/uncomfy topics to write about. Avoiding adultery and lack of wisdom leading to …

Jan 10, 2024: Proverbs 10/31 Riches from evil do not profit, but righteousness is life. Inaction = poverty, diligence = rich. The legacy of the righteous is a …

Jan 10, 2024: Proverbs 9/31 You’re inviting trouble if you correct a mocker. But if you give feedback to a wise person, they will love you and become wiser. …

Jan 8, 2024: Proverbs 8/31 Wisdom is righteous. It is not twisted or crooked. Wisdom is better than riches. Wisdom hates pride, arrogance, evil, and crooked …

Jan 7, 2024: Proverbs 7/31 Consider wisdom an intimate friend. Do not stray into the path of the forbidden lover. Do not be compelled by smooth talk and seductive …

Jan 6, 2024: Proverbs 6/31 Do not stake your fate on the reliability of another person. Follow the example of the ant. Keep working. A little laziness and you will …

Jan 5, 2024: Proverbs 5/31 A forbidden lover may seem sweet, but behind the veneer is bitter decay that leads to death. Drink from your own well. Your spouse is …

Jan 5, 2024: Proverbs 4/31 The first step in wisdom is seeking and loving wisdom. Guard wisdom like you would your life. Do not step onto the path of evil. When it …

Jan 3, 2024: Proverbs 3/31 Embody enduring love and faithfulness, you will find favor with God and people. Trust God, don’t be arrogant in your …

Jan 2, 2024: Proverbs 2/31 Seek wisdom with integrity, and you will find it. Be upright and just, you will be shielded from those that live in darkness. In this …

Jan 1, 2024: Proverbs 1/31 These proverbs are for wisdom and instruction. Wisdom starts with humility, so prideful fools hate wisdom. When trolls and evil people …

Jan 1, 2024: To start my year with wisdom, each day of January I’m going to read a Proverb and summarize it into a couple sentences in my own words.

Dec 23, 2023: Reflections on Fatherhood Below are some thoughts I typed up the morning before my wife was induced for our first child. I recall feeling especially reflective that morning, …

Dec 1, 2023: Adding Space I’ve never considered my handwriting to be great, but I’ve been doing a lot more writing by hand recently so I resolved to make an effort …

Nov 26, 2023: Now 2023-11-26 Work πŸ’Ό Working at the NASA Safety Center, part of the Office of Safety and Mission Assurance. My big focus recently has been product strategy for a …